Dennis and I were engaged for 16 months so lets just say I had a lot of time to plan the wedding, research apartments and look for furniture on craigslist and the school bulletin board. It was a fear of mine that we would be all unpacked in our cute little apartment eating dinner on the floor and sleeping on sleeping bags and until the day before we left to move to Idaho this was the case... we had nothing as far as furniture goes besides the beautiful coffee table, tv stand, and end tables Dennis built as his wedding gift to me.
Well... a miracle happened the day before we left. I told my mother in law we had nothing as far as furniture goes so she pulled this ugly dresser that my brother in law painted in their garage and told us we could have it. I was so happy! We could unpack our clothes! The next furniture miracle was right before we left... I quickly got on craigslist while Dennis and his friend were packing up the Uhaul. The first post was giving away... yes that is FREE... a decent hide-a-bed couch in Idaho Falls. I quickly called the owner and asked if it was still available and he said yes. I was so happy. I told him when we would be there and promised him if he held it for us we would take it off his hands. Then on our way up we stayed the night at Dennis' Grandma Nielsen's house and she gave us old... very old... card table and chairs, but they are the sturdiest things ever!
I have a gift/ talent i guess to find good deals. It is a gift passed down from my Grandma Joyce. She never bought anything full price... you should see her house it is amazing!
to help my luck a couple months ago I entered a giveaway for a free quart of paint. So... the ugly free dresser is now a prettier and freer dresser than it was a year ago. Thanks to my sweet husband for sanding dresser and the hardware and painting it and my mom for lending us her sander our ugly dresser now looks like this...............................
There are so many more projects I have so stay tuned!