Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hanging with the Professionals

Newel K. Whitney Summit Events Team Spring 2011

I am a part of an events team who plans the Newel K. Whitney Summit for the College of Business and Communication.  We invited professionals from all different parts of business and communication to speak to the students.  We had the CEO of Franklin Covey Robert Whitman, Event planner and producer Gary Lewis, Dirk Gates, and of course the lovely Our Best Bites Ladies Sara Wells and Kate Jones. 

Today I had the privilege to host and spend the day with two of the most amazing ladies, Kate Jones and Sara Jones from Our Best Bites

Sara Wells, Kate Jones, and Me
First of all if you have not checked out their food blog you have to....Now (but come back and finish reading my post).  Second of all if you do not have their cook book please get off your little tush and go to Deseret Book or Amazon and buy it.  You will not regret it. 

 I was their personal assistant for the day and I loved it.  I felt a little like Betty from Ugly Betty, but I really think being a personal assistant or a publicist is something I would really love to do… Who knows the sky is the limit.  I told them where they needed to go, when they needed to be there, and then show them how to get to their destination. 

One of my favorite parts was the presentations.  I always feel as if I can do anything I put my heart to.  Kate and Sara presented on how they started their business, or basically how their business started its self.  They decided to start a simple food blog (without even meeting each other) and over a matter of months they increased their readership and were able to make a business out of it.  Now they make a healthy six figure income and could be the main bread winners for their families.  They never knew it would amount to this…  

I also ate lunch with them found out how I can better improve my blog, my writing recipes and cooking. expect changes soon...

As a side note Robert Whitman gave an incredible presentation about how to be successful.  His main concept was you never know what you can do until you try.  Believe in yourself.  He asked What would you try if you knew you would never fail?  What would you do? What would I do?  Do not create limitations on yourself.  I feel so empowered, like I can be successful and accomplish everything I have ever wanted. 

Kate and Sara did a book signing at the BYU-I book store.  I HAD to buy a book and they signed it...
To Lauren, The best event planner ever! Thanks for everything.  Happy Cooking.
Sara Wells and Kate Jones.

Moral of the story you never know what can happen until you try.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! Such a fun post- we had SO much fun with you! You have a such a bright future; you really did plan everything so well and were such a professional. Thanks again!


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